The cost of public health insurance in Germany is set to go up as care costs continue to rise. Here’s what that means for your overall take-home pay.
Germany is the world’s third-largest economy after the US and China – but in the last few years, it’s been sluggish at best or even in recession. Why is it in the doldrums right now?
Supermoon and rare comet to be simultaneously visible in Germany, the Chancellor calls for finding an end to the war in Ukraine, and more news on Thursday in Germany.
Getting an appointment with a doctor or specialist can be difficult even for Germans, but those who don’t speak the language face a significant additional hurdle, writes The Local’s Paul Krantz. Here are some tips for non-German speakers.
Residents of German cities are painfully aware of the fact that rents have been rising rapidly in urban centres. More and more of them are paying too much out of their salaries to cover rent costs, a study has revealed. Are you one of them?
We’re asking for your feedback so that we can serve foreigners in Germany to the best of our abilities.
There are over 600,000 “Vereine” in Germany, translated most precisely as associations, themed around everything from sports to political causes. Learn how to start your own.
Germany needs to take steps to improve its pension system according to a new study which highlighted its main problems this week. This comes as the federal government’s pension reform plan has so far failed to move forward.
New youth study finds young people in Germany worried about war in Europe, DAX hits record high, FDP looks to boost organ donations and more news from around Germany this Wednesday.
Berlin Zoo visitors will from Wednesday be able to catch their first glimpse of two rabbit-sized panda cubs born almost eight weeks ago.